
Stipendiater tilknyttet Senter for omsorgsforskning, sør:

  • Zeljka Cvetkovic (USN): What are the implications of GP and municipal services on the structural vulnerabilities of older immigrants with MH/SUD?
  • Kristin Lunde (USN): How do GPs and municipal providers perceive family carerinvolvement and do they implement national guidelines for such involvement?
  • Marthe Lilleøy Aabø (USN): Does the functional split between purchasing and provision of municipal services impact prioritisation of care delivered to this group?
  • Anne Jørstad Antonsen (UiA): Rusmiddelbruk og rusmiddelavhengighet blant eldre hjemmeboende
  • Bjørnulf Arntsen (UiA): Interkommunalt samarbeid om helsetjenester i Norge: Strukturer, funksjoner og konsekvenser.
  • Kari Jokstad (USN): Hjemmerehabilitering – en studie av hjemmerehabiliteringstilbudet i Drammen kommune.
  • Elin Rogn Nilsen (UiA): Holistic continuity of patient care: A multiple methods project of patient pathways in the Norwegian community health care services.
  • Torunn Kitty Vatnøy (UiA): Sykepleiekompetanse ved kommunale akutte døgnenheter (KAD) i Norge.
  • Vigdis Aaltvedt (USN): What is required in order to prepare the ground for an individually adapted approach to persons with young-onset dementia – a study of the service allocation process in two municipalities.Post doc tilknyttet Senter for omsorgsforskning, sør: 
  • Kristin Briseid (UiA): How do GPs detect, treat, and collaborate regarding older people with MH/SUD and does the Regular GP Scheme affect this?