Her finner du en oversikt over vitenskapelige publikasjoner som er produsert av ansatte på UiA og USN og som er knyttet til Senter for omsorgsforskning, sør (framhevet).
Fossum M, Opsal A, Ehrenberg A. (2022) Nurses’ sources of information to inform clinical practice: An integrative review to guide evidence-based practice. Worldviews Evid-Based Nurs. 2022;19(5):372–9. https://doi.org/10.1111/wvn.12569.
Fossum, M., Cohen, M. Z., Tønnessen, V. H., Hamre, M. D., Ødegaard, A., Lind, I., Olsen Håheim, K., & Opsal, A. (2022). Clinical nurses research priorities in hospital settings: A delphi survey. Western Journal of Nursing Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/01939459211017919
Fredwall, T. E. (2022). Å lage gode naboer av domfelte: Rehabilitering som narrativ og problem. I G. Heivoll & T E. Fredwall (Red.), Straffens etikk (s. 227-264). Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press
Heivoll, G. & Fredwall, T. E. (red.) (2022). Straffens etikk. Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press
Hollister, B., Crabb, R., Kaplan, S., Brandner, M., & Areán, P. (2022). Effectiveness of Case Management with Problem-Solving Therapy for Rural Older Adults with Depression. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 30(10), 1083-1092.
Kaldheim, H.K.A; Fossum, M.; Munday, J.; Creutzfeldt, J.; Slettebø, Å. (2022). Professional competence development through interprofessional simulation-based learning assists perioperative nurses in postgraduation acute clinical practice situations: A qualitative study. Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN). ISSN: 0962-1067. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.16377
Kulla G, Slettebø Å. (2022) Nursing students’ learning about person-centred dementia care in a nursing home: A qualitative study. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research. doi: 10.1177/20571585221083520.
Laukvik, Lene Baagøe; Lyngstad, Merete; Rotegård, Ann Kristin; Slettebø, Åshild; Fossum, Mariann (2022). Content and comprehensiveness in the nursing documentation for residents in long-term dementia care: a retrospective chart review.. BMC Nursing. ISSN: 1472-6955. 21doi:10.1186/s12912-022-00863-9.
Laukvik, Lene Baagøe; Rotegård, Ann Kristin; Lyngstad, Merete; Slettebø, Åshild; Fossum, Mariann (2022). Registered nurses’ reasoning process during care planning and documentation in the electronic health records: A concurrent think-aloud study. Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN). ISSN: 0962-1067. doi:10.1111/jocn.16210.
Nilsen, E. R., Hollister, B., Söderhamn, U., & Dale, B. (2022). What matters to older adults? Exploring person‐centred care during and after transitions between hospital and home. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 31(5-6), 569-581.
Solberg, M., Berg, G. V., & Andreassen, H. K. (2022). An emotional roller coaster-family members’ experiences of being a caregiver throughout a cancer trajectory. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 17(1), 2137965.
Vabo G, Slettebø A and Fossum M. Nursing students ˚ ’ professional identity development: an integrative review. Nordic J Nurs Res 2021. First Published August 13, 2021. DOI: 10.1177/20571585211029857
Vatnøy, T. K., Dale, B., Sundlisaeter Skinner, M., & Karlsen, T. I. (2022). Associations between nurse managers’ leadership styles, team culture and competence planning in Norwegian municipal in‐patient acute care services: A cross‐sectional study. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 36(2), 482-492.
Øgård-Repål, A., Berg, R.C., Skogen, V., Fossum, M. et al. (2022). “They make a difference”: a qualitative study of providers’ experiences of peer support in outpatient clinics for people liing with HIV. BMC Health Serv Res 22, 1380. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-022-08810-9.
Øgård-Repål, A., Berg, R.C., Skogen, V., Fossum, M. et al (2022). Peer support in an outpatient clinic for people living with human immunodeficiency virus: a qualitative study of service users’ experiences. BMC Health Serv Res 22, 549. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-022-07958-8
Arntsen, B., Torjesen, D.O., & Karlsen, T.-I. (2020) Asymmetry in inter-municipal cooperation in health services – How does it affect service quality and autonomy?, Social Science & Medicine. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.113744.
Brodtkorb, K., Skaar, R. & Slettebø, Å. (2021). Samhandling for gode pasientforløp i korttidsavdeling i sykehjem. Sykepleien Forskning. doi: 10.4220/Sykepleienf.2021.83308
Berg, G.V., Slettebø, Å., Johnsen, K.F., Dahl, A.F. & Fossum, M. (2021). Interviews with Community Healthcare Registered Nurses in Norway: Examination Practices and Clinical Evaluation Processes. Nursing Open. doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/nop2.1045
Hofstad, T., Rugkåsa, J., Ose, S. O., Nyttingnes, O, Kjus, S. H. H, Husum, T. L. (2021). Service Characteristics and Geographical Variation in Compulsory Hospitalisation: An Exploratory Random Effects Within–Between Analysis of Norwegian Municipalities, 2015–2018, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.737698
Hofstad T., Rugkåsa J., Ose S. O., Nyttingnes O., Husum T. L. (2021). Measuring the level of compulsory hospitalisation in mental health care: The performance of different measures across areas and over time. The International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research. doi: 10.1002/mpr.1881.
Hollister, B. A., Yeh, J., Ross, L., Schlesinger, J., Cherry, D. (2021). Building an advocacy model to improve the dementia-capability of health plans in California. Journal of The American Geriatrics Society. 69 (12). s 3641 – 3649. doi:10.1111/jgs.17429.
Nilsen, E. R., Hollister, B. A., Söderhamn, U., Dale, B. (2021). What matters to older adults? Exploring person-centred care during and after transitions between hospital and home. Journal of Clinical Nursing. doi: 10.1111/jocn.15914.
Nyttingnes O, og Rugkåsa J. (2021) The Introduction of Medication-Free Mental Health Services in Norway: An Analysis of the Framing and Impact of Arguments From Different Standpoints. Frontiers in Psychiatry. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.685024.
Slettebø Å, Skaar R and Brodtkorb K (2021) Social Innovation Toward a Meaningful Everyday Life for Nursing Home Residents: An Ethnographic Study. Front. Psychol. 12:666079. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.666079
Standal, K., Solbakken, O. A., Rugkåsa, J., Martinsen, A. R., Halvorsen, M. S., Abbass, A., & Heiervang, K. S. (2021). Why Service Users Choose Medication-Free Psychiatric Treatment: A Mixed-Method Study of User Accounts. Patient preference and adherence, 15, 1647–1660. https://doi.org/10.2147/PPA.S308151
Topor, A., Fredwall, T. E., Hodøl, E. K. S., & Larsen, I. B. (2021). Before Recovery – A Blind Spot in Recovery Research?: Users’ Narratives About the Origins and Development of their Mental Health and/or Addiction Problems. Journal of Recovery in Mental Health, 4(2), 29-47. Hentet fra https://jps.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/rmh/article/view/36989
Arntsen, B; Torjesen, DO; & Karlsen, T-I (2020). Associations between structures, processes and outcomes in inter-municipal cooperation in out-of-hours services in Norway: A survey study, Social Science & Medicine.
Cappelen, K; Solstad, LJ; Andfossen, NB; Hartviksen, T; Devik, SA (2020) Styring og ledelse, forbedringsarbeid og innovasjon, Kunnskapsnotat
Dale, J. G., Lüthi, A., Skaraas, B. F., Rundereim, T., & Dale, B. (2020). Testing Measurement Properties of the Norwegian Version of Electronic Health Literacy Scale (eHEALS) in a Group of Day Surgery Patients. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 13, 241.
De Waardt, DA., van der Heijden, FMMA., Rugkåsa, J., Mulder, CL. (2020). Compulsory treatment in patients’ homes in the Netherlands: what do mental health professionals think of this? BMC Psychiatry; 20:80, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-020-02501-7
Ekra, EM & Dale, B (2020) Systematic Use of Song and Music in Dementia Care: Health Care Providers’ Experiences, Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare
Fredwall, TE; Dale, B; Nilsen, ER; & Strøm, BS (2020) Leve hele livet – En kvalitetsreform for eldre Beskrivelser av eksisterende kunnskap om reformens utfordringsområder Sammenheng og overganger i tjenestene, Kunnskapsnotat. https://hdl.handle.net/11250/2652620
Fredwall, TE., & Larsen, I. B. (2020). Plikt til samarbeid, invitasjon til konflikt?: Sykepleierrollen i norske høysikkerhetsfengsel. I O. Lysaker & T. E. Fredwall (Red.), Verdier i konflikt: Etikk i et mangfoldig samfunn (s. 73-100). Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. doi: https://doi.org/10.23865/noasp.95.ch4
Häikiö, K., Sagbakken M., Rugkåsa, J. (2020). Family carers’ involvement strategies in response to sub-optimal health services to older persons living with dementia – a qualitative study. BMC Geriatrics, 20.
Lysaker, O., & Fredwall, TE. (Red.). (2020). Verdier i konflikt: Etikk i et mangfoldig samfunn. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. doi: https://doi.org/10.23865/noasp.95
Molodynski, A., Rugkåsa, J., Khazaal, Y., Lauveng, A., Bennegadi, R., Kastrup, M., Lolas, F., Kallivayalil, RA. (2020). Coercion I n mental health care – position statement of the world association of social psychiatry. World Social Psychiatry, 2:43-5.
Rugkåsa, J., Tveit, O.G., Berteig, J., Hussain, A., Ruud, T. (2020). Collaborative care for mental health: a qualitative study of the experiences of patients and health professionals. BMC health services research, 20(1), 1-10.
Simon, J., Mayer, S., Łaszewska, A., Rugkåsa, J., Yeeles, K., Burns, T., Gray, A. (2020). Cost and quality-of-life impacts of community treatment orders (CTOs) for patients with psychosis: economic evaluation of the OCTET trial. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.
Vatnøy, TK; Skinner, MS; Karlsen, T-I & Dale, B (2020) Nursing competence in municipal in-patient acute care in Norway: a cross-sectional study, BMC Nursing, 19(1), 1-11.
Fredwall, TE, Andersen, AJW. & Larsen, IB (2019). Historier om en sjømann: Virkelighetskonstruksjoner i norske lærebøker i psykiatri. I A. Kolstad & R. Kogstad (Red.), Grunnlagsproblemer i vitenskapene om mennesket (s. 161-178). Oslo: Abstrakt forlag.
Fredwall, TE (2019). Balansekunst og lydighet: Etikk og forventet profesjonsmoral i kriminalomsorgens yrkesetiske retningslinjer. I KG Westrheim & HMKE Eide (Red.), Kunnskapsbasert straffegjennomføring i kriminalomsorgen i Norge (s. 310-331). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.
Holen-Rabbersvik, E., Haugland, S., Omland, HO., Fredwall, TE., & Hansen, LA. (2019). Fra behovskartlegging til innovasjon for personer med utviklingshemming – noen metodiske og etiske refleksjoner. Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning, 5(3), 57-70. doi: 10.18261/issn.2387-5984-2019-03-06 ER
Nilsen ER, Söderhamn U, Dale B (2019). Facilitating holistic continuity of care for older patients: Home care nurses’ experiences using checklists. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 28, 3478-3491. doi: 1111/jocn.14940
Rugkåsa, J, Nyttingnes, O, Simonsen, TB, Benth, JŠ, Lau, B, Riley, H, Løvsletten, M, Christensen, TB, Austegard, AT, Høyer, G (2019). The use of outpatient commitment in Norway: Who are the patients and what does it involve? International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 62, 7-15. doi: 10.1016/j.ijlp.2018.11.001
Vatnøy TK, Karlsen T-I, Dale, B (2019). Exploring nursing competence to care for older patients in municipal in-patient acute care: A qualitative study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18, 3339-3352. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/jocn.14914
(2018) Drivers and barriers of inter-municipal cooperation in health services – the Norwegian case. Local Government Studies, 44:3, 371-390, DOI: 10.1080/03003930.2018.1427071
Dale B., Frivold G. (2018) Psychometric testing of the Norwegian Version of the questionnaire Family Satisfaction in the Intensive Care Unit (FS-ICU-24). Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare . 653-659 , DOI: 10.2147/JMDH.S184003
Dale J. G., Midthus E., Dale B. (2018) Using information and communication technology in the recovery after a coronary artery bypass graft surgery: patients’ attitudes. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare . 417-423, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/JMDH.S175195
Frivold G., Slettebø Å., Heyland D., Dale B. (2018) Family members’ satisfaction with care and decision-making in intensive care units and post-stay follow-up needs—a cross sectional survey study. Nursing Open. 6-14, DOI: 10.1002/nop2.97
Fredwall T. E. (2018) Ansvar og ambivalens: Etikk og omsorg i allmennmoralen, folkeskikken og Løgstrups beskrivelse av den etiske fordring. Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning, 4(3), 223-232, DOI: 10.18261/ISSN.2387-5984-2018-03-04
Fredwall, T. E., Larsen, I. B. (2018) Textbook descriptions of people with psychosis – some ethical aspects. Nursing Ethics. DOI: 10.1177/0969733017753742
Vatnøy T, Thygesen E, Dale B. (2017) Telemedicine intervention implementation to support coping resources in home-living patients diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Patients’ experiences. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 23(1): 126-132.
Tomstad S, Dale B, Sundsli K, Sævareid HI, Söderhamn U. (2017) Who often feels lonely? A cross-sectional study about loneliness and its related factors among older home-dwelling people. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 12(4). DOI: 10.1111/opn.12162.
Robstad N, Söderhamn U, Fegran L. (2017) Intensive care nurses? experiences of caring for obese intensive care patients: a hermeneutic study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 7(1-2): 386-395. Published online 2017.
Söderhamn U, Flateland SM, Fensli MM, Skaar R. (2017) To be a trained and supported volunteer in palliative care? A phenomenological study. BMC Palliative Care, 16(18): 9pp.
Slettebø Å, Skaar R, Brodtkorb K, Skisland AVS. (2017) Conflicting rationales: leaders’ experienced ethical Challenges in community health care for older people. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 10pp.
Skaar R, Fensli MM, Flateland MS, Söderhamn U. (2017) Helsepersonells erfaringer og tanker om bruk av frivillige i palliativ omsorg. Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning, 13(1).
Rugkåsa J, Burns B. (2017) Community treatment orders: are they useful? BJPsych Advances, 13(1): 222-230.
Perry BI, Champaneri N, Griffiths F, Paul M, Islam Z, Rugkåsa J, Burns T, Tyrer P, Crawford M, S, Singh SP. (2017) Exploring professionals understanding, interpretation and implementation of the appropriate medical treatment test in the 2007 amendment of the Mental Health Act 1983. BJPsych Open, 3: 57-63.
Jokstad, K, Landmark B, Thomassen, Hauge S, Skovdahl K-I. (2017) Eldres erfaringer med hverdagsrehabilitering. – Mestring og muligheter, krav og støtte i et dynamisk samspill. Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning, 3(2): 212-221.
Guo L, Söderhamn U, McCallum J, Ding X, Gao H, Guo Q, Liu K, Liu Y. (2017)Testing and comparing two self-care-related instruments among older Chinese adult. PLoS ONE, 6(1): 6-19.
Gao H, Söderhamn U, Cliffordson C, Lina G, Guo Q, Liu K. (2017) Reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the Self-care Ability Scale for the Elderly. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(23-24): 4489-4497.
Frivold G, Slettebø Å, Dale B. (2017) Family members’ satisfaction with care and decision- making in intensive care units and post- stay follow-up needs: a cross-sectional survey study. Nursing Open, 5(1): 6-14.
Fredwall T. E. Straff som pine. Retfærd. (2017) Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift. 2017, 40(3-4): 24-37
Fredwall, T. E. (2017). Guarding, guiding, gate opening: Prison officer work in a Norwegian welfare context. I T. Ugelvik & P. S. Smith (Red.), Scandinavian Penal History, Culture and Prison Practice: Embraced By the Welfare State? (s. 157-176). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Flateland SM, Skaar R, Fensli MM, Söderhamn U. (2017) Pårørendes erfaringer med bruk av frivillige ved alvorlig sykdom i hjemmet. Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning, 13(1).
Cappelen K, Harris A, Storm M, Aase K. (2017) Improving patient safety culture in Norwegian nursing homes: Validating the NHSOPSC instrument. Open Journal of Nursing, 7(9): 1069-1085.
Barken T, Thygesen E, Söderhamn U. (2017) Unlocking the limitations: living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and receiving care through telemedicine: a phenomenological study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(1-2):132-142. Published online 2017.
Hansen A, Hauge S, Bergland Å. (2017) Meeting psychosocial needs for persons with dementia in home care services – a qualitative study of different perceptions and practices among health care providers. BMC Geriatrics, 17(211): 10p.
Lillekroken D, Hauge S, Slettebø Å. (2017) The meaning of slow nursing in dementia care. Dementia,16(7): 930-947.
Fensli MMF, Söderhamn U, Flateland SM, Skaar R. (2017) Alvorlig sykes erfaringer med å delta i støttegruppe ledet av frivillige. Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning, 3(3): 186-193.
Barken TL, Thygesen E, Söderhamn U. (2017) Advancing beyond the system: telemedicine nurses’ clinical reasoning using a computerised decision support system for patients with COPD – an ethnographic study. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 17(1): 181.
Brodtkorb K, Skisland AV, Slettebø Å, Skaar R. (2017) Preserving dignity in end-of-life nursing home care: some ethical challenges. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 37(2): 78-84.
Lohne V, Høy B, Lillestø B, Sæteren B, Heggestad AKT, Aasgaard T, Caspari S, Rehnsfeldt AW, Råholm M-B, Slettebø Å, Lindwall L, Nåden D. (2017) Fostering dignity in the care of nursing home residents through slow caring. Nursing Ethics, 24(7): 778-788.
Vabo GL, Slettebø Å, Fossum M. Participants’ perceptions of an intervention implemented in an Action Research Nursing Documentation Project. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2017, 26(7-8): 983-993.
Solli H, Bjørk IT, Hvalvik S, Hellesø R. (2017) Like an extended family: Relationships that emerge when older caregivers use written messages to communicate in an ICT-based healthcare service. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 11pp. DOI:10.1080/17538157.2017.1364245
Dale JG, Dale B. (2017) Implementing a new pedagogy in the nursing curriculum: Bachelor students’ evaluation evaluation. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 7(12): 98-104.
Cappelen,K, Aase, K,Storm,M,Hetland, J,Harris,A. (2016) Psychometric properties of the Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety Culture in Norwegian nursing homes. BMC Health Services ResearchBMC series – open, inclusive and trusted2016, 16:446
Hald H. & Dale B. (2016). Balansen mellom pasienters behov og organisatoriske hensyn. Ergoterapeuters erfaringer knyttet til eldre pasienters overgangsfase fra sykehus til eget hjem. Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning, 2(1), 37-46.
Vatnøy T, Thygesen E, Dale B. (2016). Telemedicine intervention implementation to support coping resources in home-living patients diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Patients’ experiences. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. DOI: 10.1177/1357633X15626854
Frivold G, Slettebø Å, Dale B. (2015). Family members’ lived experiences of everyday life after intensive care treatment of a loved one: a phenomenological hermeneutical study Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25, 392 – 402. doi: 10.1111/jocn.13059
Lyngroth AL, Hernes S, Madsen B-O, Söderhamn U, Grov E K. (2016). Nutritional screening of patients at a memory clinic – associations between patients’ and their relatives’ self-reports. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25 (5-6), 760-768
Skomakerstuen Ødbehr,L. Kvigne K., Hauge, S.Danbolt, L.J. Spiritual care to persons with dementia in nursing homes; a qualitative study of nurses and care workers experiences BMC Nursing2015 14:70 DOI:10.1186/s12912-015-0122-6 © 2015.
Flateland,S,Nesheim,TM, Riiser,AB,Sôderhamn,U:Sykepleiestudenters erfaringer knyttet til overføring av pasient fra spesialist- til kommunehelsetjeneste. Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning Nr 2 2015. Universitetsforlaget
Goa H., Söderhamn U., Zhang L., Chu H, Liu K. Reliability and validity of the Chinece version of the Nutritional form For the Elderly. Published online in Public Health Nutrition 2015
Smit J, Hvalvik, S. Personer med demens: Makt og tvang I stellesituasjoner. Geriatrisk sykepleie. 2015
Söderhamn U, Aasgaard L, Landmark B. Attending an activity center: positive experiences of a group of home-dwelling persons with early stage-dementia. Clinical Interventions in Aging.2015
Solli H, Hvalvik S, Bjørk IT, Hellesø R. Characteristics of the relationship that develops from nurse-caregiver communication during telecare. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2015
Wergeland IN, Sælbek G, Berg S, Söderhamn U, Kirkevold Ø. Predictors for nursing home admission and death among community-dwelling people 70 years and older who receive domiciliary care. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorder. 2015
Ødbehr LS, Kvigne K ,Hauge S, Danbolt LJ. A qualitative study of nurses’ attitude towards’ and accommadations of patients expressions of religiosity and faith in dementia care. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2015
Hellesø R, Melby,L, Hauge S. Implications of observing and writing field notes through different lenses. Journal of Mulitidisciplinary Healthcare. 2015
Hvalvik S, Reierson IÅ. Striving to maintain a dignified life for the patient in transition: Next of kin’s experiences during the transition process of an older person in transition from hospital to home. Int J Qualitative Stud Health Well-being. 2015
Hvalvik S, Dale B. The Transition from Hospital to Home: Older people’s Experiences. Open Journal of Nursing. 2015
Johannessen A, Bruvik FK, Hauge S. Family carers’experiences of attending a multicomponent psycoscocial intervention program for carers and persons with dementia. Journal of Mulitidisciplinary Healthcare. 2015
Lillekroken D, Hauge S, Slettebø Å. ”Saluting» percieved sense of coherence in people with dementia by nurses. Journal of Public Mental Health. 2015
Lillekroken D, Hauge S,Slettebø Å. Enabling resources in people with dementia: a qualitative study about nurses’ strategies that may support a sense of coherence in people with dementia. Journal og Clinical Nursing. 2015
Sandvoll AM, Grov EK, Kristoffersen K, Hauge S. When care situations evoke difficult emotions in nursing staff members: an ethnographic study in two Norwegian nursing homes. BMC Nursing. 2015
Söderhmn U, Sundsli K, Cliffordson C, Dale B: Psykometric properties of Antonofsky’s 29-item Sense of Coherence scale in research on older home-dwelling Norwegians. Scaninavian Journal of Public Health. 2015
Dale B, Söderhamn U. Nutritional self-care among a group of older home-living people in rural Southern Norway. Journal of Multidiciplinary Healthcare. 2015
Eika M, Dale B, Espenes GA, Hvalvik S. Nursing staff interactions during the older residents transition into long- term care facility in a nursing home in rural Norway: an ethnographic study. BMC Health Services Research.2015
Eika M, Espenes GA, Hvalvik S .Nursing staff’s actions during older residents transition into long-term care facility in a nursing home in rural Norway. Int J Qualitative Stud Health Well-being. 2015
Dale B, Söderhamn U. (2015). Nutritional self-care among a group of older home-living people in rural Southern Norway. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 8, 67–74.
Hao H, Söderhamn U, Zhang L, Cui H, Liu K. (2015). Reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the Nutritional Form For the Elderly. Published online in Public Health Nutritiondoi:10.1017/S1368980014003267
Skaar, R., Brodtkorb,K., Skisland, Anne-Valen-Sendstad og Slettebø, Åshild. (2014). Organisering av helsetjenester til eldre i kommunen – noen etiske utfordringer. Nordisk Sygeplejeforskning 4(4). 267–27
Sòderhamn,U.,Aasgaard,L,.Landmark,B. Attending an activity center: positive experiences of a group of home-dwelling persons with early-stage demetia. Clinical Interventions in Aging 2014:9 1923-1931
Sandmoe, A.; Hauge, S. (2014) When the struggle against dejection becomes a part of everyday life: a qualitative study of coping strategies in older abused people. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare
Ødbehr, L. S.; Kvigne, K.;Hauge, S.;Danbolt, L. J. (2014) A qualitative study of nurses’ attitude towards’ and accommadations of patients’ expressions of religiosity and faith in dementia care. Journal of Advanced Nursing
Ødbehr, L.S. ; Kvigne, K.;Hauge, S.; Danbolt, L. J.(2014)Nurses’ and care workers’ experiences of spiritual needs in residents with dementia in nursing homes: a qualitative study. BMC Nursing Volum 13.(12) s. 1-9
Sandmoe, A (2014). Vold mot eldre. In K. Narud (Ed.), Vold mot kvinner. Oslo: Cappelen Damm.
Aasgaard, H. S.,Disch, P. G., Fagerstrøm, L. & Landmark, B. T. (2014). Pårørende til aleneboende personer med demens . Erfaringer fra samarbeid med hjemmetjenesten etter ny organisering. Nordisk sygeplejeforskning ;Volum 4. s. 114-128
Sundsli K, Söderhamn U, Espnes GA, Söderhamn O. (2014). Self-care telephone talks as a health promotion intervention in urban home-living persons 75+ years of age: a randomized controlled study. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 9, 95-103.
Wergeland J, Selbæk G, Høgset LD, Söderhamn U, Kirkevold Ø. (2014). Dementia, neuropsychiatric symptoms and the use of psychotropic drugs among older people who receive domiciliary care: a cross-sectional study. International Psychogeriatrics, 26, 383-391.
Brodtkorb K, Skisland AVS, Slettebø Å, Skaar R.(2014).Ethical challenges in care for older patients who resistNursing Ethics ttp://nej.sagepub.com/content/early/2014/08/20/0969733014542672 The online version of this article can be found at:DOI: 10.1177/0969733014542672
Nurs Ethics published online 21 August 2014
Söderhamn U, Kjøstvedt HT, Slettebø Å. (2014). Evaluation of ethical reflections in community health care – a mixed methods study. Published online in Nursing Ethics. Doi: 10.1177/0969733014524762
Hvalvik, S.,Dale, B.,2013, “Nurses’ experiences of caring for older persons in transition to receive homecare: being somewhere in between competing values.” Nursing Research and Practice, Volume 2013, Article ID 181670, 9 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/181670
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